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Why do people choose us?

With us it is safe

Professional verification of counterparties. Help in controversial situations. Collection and analysis of information for forecasting the prospects of the transaction. Reduce risk to a minimum.

Convenient service

Payment for services in the most convenient way for the client. Options for collateral: collateral, guarantee of guarantors, holding of funds on a bank card and other transactions.

Fast shipping

Selection of the most conveniently located rental organization. If this is not possible, we will organize a fast delivery by transport companies or courier services.


Consultations on the proper selection of equipment and tools. Qualified assessment of the feasibility of renting equipment for self-employment or hiring professionals.

FabrikaProkata - rental and rental of necessary things


The company "FabrikaProkata" was created to help potential tenants find the best offers for lease of equipment, equipment and household items.

We collect, analyze and sort information about landlords to help you find the most profitable and convenient option.

We can get advice on the degree of reliability of the organization or individual who offers rental services.

Turning to us, each user gets the opportunity to make a weighted choice, based on truthful information.

Our consultants in the department of tools and equipment have practical experience with such equipment.

Specialists are able to determine whether there will be a benefit from renting equipment, or it is better to hire professionals, saving time and money.

About us

  • The company "FabrikaProkata" employs qualified managers who have experience in the field of leasing.
  • We have collected all the experience of professional rental companies, so we guarantee the quality of services.
  • Our database contains the best offers from organizations and individuals offering rental or rental services.
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